
YAHOO- The Unbelievable Legend of Kobe Bryant

In one of the recent reports by YAHOO Sports, Kobe Bryant was regarded as the legend, an honor that seldom gave to any NBA players, even O’Neal or LeBron James.
A variety of records that made by Kobe become the most important element for the Legend honor. So far as Kobe’s career, he has made many unbreakable records among the Los Angeles, and even the NBA (NBA Shoes). In the last season, Bryant successfully over passed the Jerry to be the one who gained the highest scores of the Lakers. And in the game of March.3, he again surpassed Moses – Malone, making his total scores the fifth place.
As everyone could remember that the total score of 81 is one of the symbols for Kobe Bryant (Kobe Bryant Shoes), which is the second highest score for the single game of the NBA history. Apart from this, Kobe made good performance on playing time, steal, and etc. Because of these elements, Bryant is generally being regarded as the legend.
However, there are not only the good records in the legend. The legend still includes the flexible and shamed cases. In the year of 2004, when he was in the top situation, Kobe was accused as guilty of rape. It was this case that made him lost his frame among the fans and even the ads career. He was for a time in the down location.
For that time when people all thought that he could not play the game well for ever, Kobe improved himself a good NBA player on the court. His passion to the basketball helped him back to an image of fine man and good leader.
Now, you can see what he has done. He has become the top one NBA star; even the King LeBron is not able to compete with him, any more. No one would like to mention the shamed cases, because everyone knows that Kobe has conquered himself, as the emperor.
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